Natural Beauty in Tasikmalaya Indonesia

Natural Beauty in Tasikmalaya Indonesia

Natural Beauty in Tasikmalaya Indonesia

Natural Beauty in Tasikmalaya Indonesia | Tasikmalaya is a region located between the East Priangan Garut and Ciamis. Besides being known as the City of Pupils, Tasikmalaya also has a variety of tourist destinations. There is a nature tourism, religious tourism, historical tourism also. For nature itself, in Tasikmalaya there are many very beautiful place, ranging from beaches, waterfalls, and mountains. Here are reviews of some of the tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya.

1. Turkish Cipatujah

Cipatujah beach is one of the tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya rich with coral reefs. The beach is among the largest on the south coast. The wide reach 115 hectares. Location of Cipatujah Beach is approximately 74 km from the center of the Lake to the south.

Besides its natural beauty, Coastal Cipatujah have iron sand is excellent for leisure activities. On the beach there are also many fish spawn and breed, so it's good for the livelihood of fishermen.

2. Mount Galunggung

Galunggung an active volcano at an altitude of 2,167 meters above sea level. Mountain which has an area of approximately 120 hectares managed by Perum Perhutani. It is located about 17 km from the center of Tasikmalaya.

Besides the beauty of the landscape, there are a few tourist attraction offered by Mount Galunggung. One of them is located in the crater lake. The lake is cold water and does not remove the smell of sulfur. There is also a waterfall that fell from one of the hills in Mount Galunggung. As if the water coming down from the sky. Around Galunggung there are hot spring, complete with swimming pool and hot tub soak.

3. Kampung Naga

Kampung Naga is one of the tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya very exotic. It is located about 30 km from the city of Tasikmalaya. Precisely in Neglasari, Salawu, Tasikmalaya.

The village is inhabited by people who uphold the customs of their ancestors. Indigenous question is a traditional Sundanese. It is unique from Kampung Naga can be seen from the composition of the uniform, ranging from the direction to face, cuts, and building materials.

Kampung Naga has a very beautiful view from afar. This is because it lies on a fertile valley. Not to mention Ciwulan drained by the river, the water edged Mount Cikuray, Garut.

4. Curug Dengdeng

Curug Dengdeng located just off the south coast. Precisely, in the village of Cikawung Gading, Kampung Caringin, District Cipatujah, Lake District. Distance to get there about 90 kilometers from the center of Tasikmalaya takes about 3 hours.

There are three levels of waterfalls at Curug Dengdeng. Highest waterfalls reaching 13 meters in height. From this point you can meliha Cikembang River views. While there are other waterfalls that reach 11 m and 9 m height. As a tourist in Tasikmalaya, the natural beauty of the waterfall Dengdeng highly recommended to visit.

5. Situ Gede

One more tourist attractions in Tasikmalaya you need to know is the Situ Gede. This attraction offers a beautiful natural landscape with an area of about 47 hectares. Situ Gede water depths between 1.5 to 6 meters.

Kawsan Situ Gede is located about 5 km from the center of Tasikmalaya westward. Precisely in the Village Linggajaya, District Mangkubumi, Tasikmalaya. As a tourist attraction, Situ Gede has complete facilities, including praying, garden, jogging track, rental rafts and boats, as well as a toilet.

Natural Beauty in Tasikmalaya Indonesia

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Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia

Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia

Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia

Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia | All came from the desire to sail to India columbus. The trip is funded queen isabela of Castilian Spanish is oriented to seek the extension area of power. But in 1492, Colombus actually strayed into the Bahamas. However colombus remains "ngeyel" that he had reached India. In fact, when he met with the natives (there humans know before Columbus), Colombus actually referred to them as the Indians (Indians). History shows that the massacre of the Indians was inevitable.

Misunderstanding of the white explorers like Columbus extends, so that the white people thought that stretched from Persia and China is India. No wonder, if the Dutch had come along to misunderstand. Figuring the island of Sabang to Merauke, as India also (ost india / india east). Be us in colonial times used to be called the "indie", with the government of the Dutch East Indies

The assumption that we have included Indians continued until, in 1850, an annual scientific magazine Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia in Singapore published an article of An ethnologist of England, George Samuel Windsor Earl. In the article Earl propose two names, Indunesia and Melayunesia (nesos in Greek means island).

In the same newspaper, James Richardson Logan of Scotland also wrote an article that essentially the same, namely the need for a distinctive name for these islands. Since the name of the Indian Archipelago (Indies) it was too long and confusing. So he picked up the discarded Indunesia name Earl, and the letter "U" is replaced by "O" to make it easier to pronounce. Reasons Logan chose this name is because he prefers to use the term Geographic pure "Indonesia" which is a synonym of the Indies than the proposed terms of Ethnography Melayunesia Earl.

Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia | Since that time Logan consistently use the name of Indonesia in scientific writings. And gradually the term spread among scientists to the field of ethnology and geography. Until the 1920s, the name of Indonesia which is a term in the science of ethnography and geography were taken over by the leaders of the movement of freedom fighters. So the name of Indonesia has a political meaning, namely the identity of a nation fighting for its independence on occupiers (the Netherlands). One is Indische Vereeniging which turned into the Association of Indonesia.

Association of Indonesia itself is an organization that aims to fight for the rights of Indonesian citizens from invaders. Characters who are members of this organization include: Iwa Koesoema Soemantri, Nazir Pamoentjak, A.A Maramis, Soekiman Wirosandjojo, Mohammad Hatta, and others. Previously, this group called the Indische Vereeniging. New on the meeting of members dated February 8, 1925 Vereeniging Indonesische name was changed to "Association of Indonesia". From here on, the organization began to introduce the name of Indonesia in the international arena.

In 1926 in the town of Bierville, France held a congress for peace, which was attended by various countries in the world. Indonesiapun Association sent a delegation to attend the event in order to continue his propaganda. Mohammad Hatta, who was then the chairman of the Indonesian Association had the opportunity to address a congress. She and several delegations from Asia expressed the resolution that essentially that the oppression of other nations against the spirit of peace. And the importance of freedom for nations to self-determination.

The resolution submitted by the Congress received with great sound. The reception was not only recognizes the right of every nation to self-determination. But also certify each struggle to overthrow colonial rule.

The first step to introduce our homeland Indonesia abroad made successfully. The name "Indonesia" need not be filed in the resolution. During M. Hatta were there and after hearing his speech at the opening of the congress, all the people there refer to Indonesia. The Dutch are on the opening still call "Dutch East Indies", said it did not repeat them again. In the debate or in other talks. In their writings to the outside, to the friend and general inquiries, they call "Indonesia". In the agenda of congressional leaders, the name of Indonesia has been recorded. May not be exchanged back to the Dutch East Indies (Indies-neerlandaises).

Finally, Indonesia became the name of our beloved country. We are all obliged proud that we have the name of this clothing, and striving for prosperity. Life Indonesia!

Story Behind The Name Of Indonesia | Indonesia itself is a language can be interpreted as the "Indies", because this word is a synonym for Indian Archipelago.

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Info About Me

Info About Me

My name Mochamad Noer Fauzi Mubarok. I was born in Cidahu, Cikalong, Kapuaten Tasikmalaya , Indonesia on 9 December 1992. I was born directly from the womb of my mother, so I was very devoted to him. My life's journey is unique, with the unique idea anyway. And I'm sure I was yea me, and no one who is similar to me.

Entering the age of 5 years to be exact in 1997 I started attending kindergarten in Diniyyah Riyadul Ulum Madrasah, there I started to learn the Koran. In 1999 I entered elementary school (SD) in SDN singkir 3, I graduated in 2005. After that I went to high school (SMP) students at MTs Nurul Huda, the history of my life the first time I went to school abroad. I graduated in 2008, After that I went to high school (SMA) in MAN Cikalong and Alhamdulillah In 2011 I graduated.

I know the world of the internet after graduating from high school, where science first I learned is about SEO because I worked taking care of the website, and of course SEO knowledge can not be separated from a website.

The Internet is a world which is never thought to be in, because my school time was very anti the computer, so I rarely enter the computer lessons, maybe that juvenile delinquency that requires me to not go to class haha. But thanks to a strong desire and of course learn from the past that I do not become immune to technology (gaptek), was finally able to get to know a little about the Internet.

I understand how important a healthy logic in life, with a healthy logic of course we always promote socialization, tolerance, and also protect, this is the key to life that always I put forward. I have always expressed my understanding of this wherever I am. Because we all have to realize that life is beautiful it is mutual love between human beings. With love I can confidently remove the word "warfare".

Hopefully we are all human beings in the world are always peaceful. And let's delete the word "warfare" together with us uphold socialization, tolerance, and nurturing. Because life is a beautiful dream of all mankind.

Warm greetings to all of my people and families. :)
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